Why buy organic or fresh produce from your local Farmers Market?


There are so many very valid reasons to source and buy organically grown produce: 

You…Avoid chemicals – Eating organically grown foods is the only way to avoid the cocktail of chemical poisons present in commercially grown food.

You…Benefit from more nutrients –Organically grown foods have more nutrients—vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and micronutrients—than commercially grown foods because the soil is managed and nourished with sustainable practices by responsible standards.

You…Enjoy a better taste – Organically grown foods generally taste better because nourished, well balanced soil produces healthy, strong plants. This is especially true with heirloom varieties, which are cultivated for taste over appearance.

You…Avoid GMO – Genetically engineered (GE) food and genetically modified organisms (GMO) are contaminating our food supply at an alarming rate, with repercussions beyond understanding. Organically grown food cannot be genetically modified in any way, choosing organic is the only way to be sure that foods that have been genetically engineered stay out of your diet.

You…Avoid hormones, antibiotics and drugs in animal products –Conventional meat and dairy are the highest risk foods for contamination by harmful substances. The major concerns for consumers include the early onset of puberty, growth of tumors, heightened cancer risks, and genetic problems. Growth hormones in milk (rBGH or rBST) are genetically modified and have been directly linked to cancer, especially in women. Many scientists and experts warn that rampant use of antibiotics in animal feed, like penicillin and tetracycline, will breed an epidemic that medicine has no defense against.

You…Preserve our ecosystems – Organic farming supports eco-sustenance, or farming in harmony with nature. Preservation of soil and crop rotation keep farmland healthy, and chemical abstinence preserves the ecosystem. Wildlife, insects, frogs, birds, and soil organisms are able to play their roles in the tapestry of ecology, and we are able to play ours, without interference or compromise.

You…Reduce pollution and protect water and soil –Agricultural chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers are contaminating our environment, poisoning our precious water supplies, and destroying the value of fertile farmland. Certified organic standards do not permit the use of toxic chemicals in farming and require responsible management of healthy soil and biodiversity.

You…Preserve agricultural diversity –The rampant loss of species occurring today is a major environmental concern. It is estimated that 75% of the genetic diversity of agricultural crops has been lost in the last century. Most conventional food is also extremely hybridized to produce large, attractive specimens, rather than a variety of indigenous strains that are tolerant to regional conditions such as droughts and pests. Many organic farms grow an assorted range of food, taking natural elements and time-tested tradition into account. Diversity is critical to survival.

You…Support farming directly – Buying organic food is an investment in a cost-effective sustainable future.

You…Keep our children and future safe – Spending dollars in the organic sector is a direct vote for a sustainable future for the many generations to come.

Hopefully this gives you food for thought when it comes time to go shopping next and gives you a compelling reason to source fresh organic or locally grown produce from your local farmers.


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